Grandmother’s Sugar Cookies
2 eggs, beaten
½ tsp nutmeg
1 cup sugar
½ tsp salt
3 Tbsp milk
3 cups sifted flour
1 tsp. Chef-O-Van vanilla
1 cup shortening
½ tsp baking soda
1-2 Tbsp favorite flavoring
Combine the flour and shortening in large bowl with pastry blender until coarse. Combine in another bowl the eggs and sugar. Add milk, vanilla, soda, nutmeg, and salt. Add in your favorite flavoring; black walnut, black cherry, almond, etc… Mix until will blended. Add to flour mixture. Chill for 1-2 hours. Roll out to thickness of 1/4 in. Cut with floured cookie cutter. Place on greased cookie sheets. Sprinkle with sugar or decorated as desired. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.